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Therapy for addicts

We treat addiction to psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs) as a chronic, progressive and fatal disease, which is caused by a number of factors. We consider it as a disease of involuntary. We treat with respect and understanding people who suffer from the disease and their loved ones.
In our center it is being implemented basic and deepened psychotherapeutic program aimed at people addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling. The therapeutic program takes account of the so-called Minnesota model, uses the experiences of people in recovery basing on the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous Community and the 12-step program. It is the integration of various trends in psychotherapy. Most often we use cognitive- behavioral and humanistic approach, group process and concepts of personal schemes.
Addiction therapy program includes a series of structured exercises developing the skills of understanding own illness, recognizing warning signals, preventing a return to drinking and to the use of other psychoactive substances, avoiding of recurrence of the disease Great emphasis is placed on the identification with the disease and preparing the client to the repairing of the damage in the sphere of family, social, professional and spiritual life , caused by drinking, taking drugs and gambling.

Entry into the program is preceded by one or more individual conversations with a therapist. During these meetings, you will have the opportunity to:
1. Make contact.
2. Recognize your problems, including those related to addiction.
3. Learn about the methods of treatment at particular stages used in our center.
4. If you decide to start treatment we will sign a contract and you will be able to start therapy in co-ed group and on individual sessions with your key-worker.
5. The program is tailored to the individual needs of each client.

Through all appropriate psychotherapeutic methods used in the CKU, each person involved in the treatment has the possibility to: - confront their own experience with the symptoms of addiction to an alcohol, psychoactive substances or gambling, - understand what role an alcohol, psychoactive substances or gambling play in their life and believe that one can live without them, a better understanding of themselves and their disease.