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Therapy for co-addicts
Co-dependency is not a disease. It is a set of traits and behaviors derived from the incorrect (inadequate) adaptation to a difficult situation that is partner’s addiction. This is a problem of psychological background, and the basic method of help is psychotherapeutic interaction.
Co-dependency is characterized by a constant putting the needs of other people, especially addicted partner' s, before their own, leading to physical and emotional disorders. It is a form of adapting to survival in a situation of chronic stress, which leads to disturbances in the area of mental health, i.e. low self - esteem, experiencing of suffering, depression, emotional swing, psychosomatic ailments, taking sedatives, sleeping pills and alcohol to control tension and anxiety which subsequently leads to addiction, addictive behaviors (e.g.: excessive shopping, gluttony, etc.), lack of trust in others, fear of change.
In behaviors of co-addicts there occurs blurring of boundaries: my-yours. Co-addict has a sense of responsibility and guilt for their addicted partner’s drinking, drug use and behaviors. Hiding partner's addiction from the family and friends. Subjection of their own frame of mind to partner's behavior. Having an inner sense of need to control addicted partner and his behavior - "I know what is good for you and what you need".
Subjection of themselves and their family to the rhythm of alcoholics drinking, use of other psychoactive substances or pathological gambling.
If you find in you the above mentioned symptoms, please contact us. We can help and we know how to help you.
1. During the first contact we will recognize your family situation, your problems, we will diagnose and adapt a further therapeutic procedures to the diagnosis and explain the various stages of treatment and their goals.
2. If you decide to take up a therapy we will sign a therapeutic contract with you offering work in group and on individual sessions with a key-worker.
3. In the basic and deepened psychotherapeutic process with co-addicted client we use different therapeutic methods using multiple trends. We are guided by a comprehensive understanding of the client in the context of his individual needs. We acquaint the client with the role of Al-Anon self-help groups and 12-step program in recovery.